
Are you counting your AIC hours right? This applies to anyone who sits more than 1 hour a day.

As CPA’s we are trained to count everything – we count time, money, frowns, widgets and woowoo’s and then bill it. But one thing we rarely count are AIC hours; time spent sitting at a desk is jokingly coined Ass In Chair “AIC” hours.

I may lose a few readers here, but the focus of this article is not counting AIC hours for billing purposes….

The focus of this article is…sitting.

Im not a medical Dr. (Sorry mom) but in some medical circles, there is data-driven-chatter that “sitting is the new smoking”. I didn’t pen the phrase, but thank you if you read it here first.

There are a slew of health issues related to sitting at a desk and most remedies focus on the chair or the desk and those are all very important. However, one simple solution rarely seen in the US work place has produced great result. I’m calling it “Stand Up”.

Let me explain Stand Up.

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