
Get ready to apply for PPP second draw loans

Get ready to apply for PPP second draw loans(12-28-20)

The President has signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (H.R. 133), which, among other things, authorizes a new round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans called second draw loans. This allows some borrowers to request supplemental funding on their original PPP loans.

Second draw loans

Second draw loans are only available to businesses that employ 300 or fewer employees (part-time and seasonal count), and have at least a 25% reduction in gross receipts.

It is unclear whether applicants must have already received a loan under the first round of available PPP loans in order to qualify for the new second draw loans (we are awaiting guidance from the SBA on this). However, it is clear that if they have received a prior PPP loan they must have used, or will use, the first loan prior to the disbursement of a second draw loan.

Supplemental funding

Borrowers can also submit supplemental PPP loan requests in all cases where their original PPP loan amount would have changed due to new rules that have been released. This applies to partnerships where the original loan did not include the self-employment earnings of the partners. But it also applies to borrowers who returned their original loans, or took reduced loans to qualify for other benefits that are no longer limited for PPP recipients, such as the Employee Retention Credit.

Borrowers must request this additional funding before forgiveness is granted on their original PPP loan.

Deductions allowed

H.R. 133 also clarifies that borrowers who have loans forgiven may claim deductions for expenses even if expense were paid with loan amounts that were forgiven. This applies to all PPP loans.

California does not conform to this federal law, which is amended as part of the stimulus package. Taxpayers will still be required to reduce their deductions on the California return because California enacted AB 1577 (Ch. 20-39), which specifically prohibits taxpayers from claiming any deductions or credits for expenses that are paid with forgiven PPP loan amounts.

Email if you have questions about this article or your business.

Non-filers can still get Stimulus Checks

IRS launches tool for non-filer economic impact payments (04-10-20)

The IRS has created a new website that allows non-filers to request economic impact payments. (IR-2020-69)

Individuals receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits, or Railroad Retirement benefits, are not required to use this new tool to receive their payments. The IRS will still rely on Form SSA-1099 and Form RRB-1099 for purposes of determining the amount of the impact payment. However, if these individuals have dependents, and have not filed a return for 2018 or 2019, they should visit the website; otherwise, their payment will only be issued for the $1,200 for the recipient and not their spouse or any of their dependents.

Here is a list of who should go to the website and enter their information:

  • Individuals who haven’t filed a 2018 or 2019 return because their income is below the filing requirement threshold;
  • Veterans beneficiaries and SSI recipients; and
  • Social Security, SSDI, and Railroad Retirement beneficiaries with qualifying dependents.

Here is the link to the website:

The IRS also announced that the website for other taxpayers to enter bank account information for direct deposit, and a website for everyone to check on the status of their payment, will be available next week.